Wednesday, December 14, 2005

So ... I took the milk train to Oxford from Paddington Station.
(Do the Brits have any idea how adorable it is to go to Paddington Station? I think not!) Why would I take a train with 11 stops when I could take an express.
Easy answer: duh!

But in a way it was a good excercise in transitioning. I am probably a little too virtual-- a little too unconnected to the real world. In some ways-- I feel like more of an outsider than I did in the early weeks. So- anyway, the conductor and I chatted a bit. He was from Bombay- and intensely curious why the enzymes in new-fangled detergents didn't eat up the detergent. How was it they waited and went after the juicy stains? I love curious people, don't you?

Having a hard time getting pictures to load, will come back with a link to the pictures of my impromptu journey to the seat of Bill Clinton's 1968-70 years as a Rhodes Scholar. To -- infact, the oldest university in the English speaking world! Other famous alum.. well -- include at least 10 kings of six different nations, 53 presidents and prime ministers of 19 different nations (including 25 British prime ministers), seven saints, one pope, 18 cardinals, 86 archbishops, three Fields medallists and 47 Nobel prize-winners (including winners of all categories).

Citation courtesy Wikipedia

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