Sunday, December 11, 2005

Part of the thrill of being here is the polish and the color of the language! At work, in the press, even from the hospitality industry - my surrogate circle of friends; everything is dodgy, or bespoke, or he's a right Uncle Tom Cobbly! And then there is the Cockney rhyming slang. Too clever!

Pictures are from when I arrived and stayed in the city. (Trip 2)

Another part of the thrill, of course, is the vibe that comes from 7 million people. Again-- weather has been wonderful-- mainly bright and crisp. See pictures of Green Park, Buckingham Palace gate and fabulous trees. ( They number the trees in the park-- specimens, I suppose.) Couldn't help but photograph the lovers, ducks and little girl-- much to admire. Much snogging! Everywhere you go! Once again, wish to paint-

Interesting concert at St. Martin's , Four Seasons ala Tango. A splicing of Piazolla and Vivaldi. Very interesting-- but a bit Frankenstein-esque. Met a lovely widow lady, Martha from Colombia, Florida , Hyde Park and other destinations. Helped her write an appeal to her banker in Florida to engage the talented Mr. Setterfield to conduct Dvorak's The New World Symphony.

Notable in today's Sunday Times : Chemical called 1 MCP, developed at NCState in 1990. 1MCP allows growers to preserve apples for six months or more. Watch for lables , marked as "smartfresh" - code for old!

Rod Liddle - decribes the trend of "Dianification" now rampant in popular culture. Refers to honoring a celebrity with an excess of sentimentality-- as if they mattered, rather than simply appealed. Liddle credits Christopher Lasch and "the culture of narcissism". "... the waning of a historical sense of time, a flight from objective reality and seriousness, an addiction to success rather than achievement, a yearning for escapist solutions, over-weening vanity and an imperative for immediate self-fulfillment rather than self-denial". The trigger for his observations, the 25th anniversary of the death of John Lennon and the puffery, the rhetoric - the ink and paper devoted to his "honor".

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